Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lovin' Capital FM

I grew up listening to Capital FM. Brunei with a UK FM? I don't know how the government pulled it off but yes, Capital FM was really big there. Hey Kayz, is it still on air in Brunei now??

But anyway, I have been listening to local stations via the internet for the past years. And the broadcast would sometimes be cut short by something I can never explain and I'd end up frustrated with not having my music fix. Good thing I remembered my first love, Capital. Now, I constantly have it on my computer 24/7! I have yet to experience a technical glitch with them so I'm really happy with Capital FM. Back to the old days ang drama.

Click on the icon and you'll be directed to the Capital site:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Organize your docs

Now isn't this a fabulous way to keep those important documents? You no longer have to lug around multiple envelopes for those oh-so important meetings. Any local supplier out there?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Global Pinoy Bazaar

The growing Pinoy brands for the Global Market

Join us in this consumer revolution of Filipinos believing and supporting Filipino products, concepts and ideas.

For interested participants/entrepreneurs who want to be part of Yabang Pinoy's Global Pinoy Community, please email us your:

Company name
Product Description
Product Shots

OR Website

at and

For interested media partners and sponsors, please visit or email

Monday, July 7, 2008


Smart has gone a step ahead to take care of their subscribers. The Sim Connect service is now enhanced to cater to your basic concerns.

To download the new SIM CONNECT , type GET MENU and send to 9888. If you are prompted for a reply just press OK. You will then receive an alert that you have downloaded the all- new Sim Connect w/ Smart Bro menu.

To get your password, log on to Click register. Choose whether you want to register for mobile or Smart Bro. Enter the information required and voila! (Note: You will receive a verification code through your mobile phone)

You are now ready to check your load balance, have your PUK released (if your sim card is blocked), check the status of your call card (if you can't successfully load it to your number), activate international roaming, voice mail and text reconnection.

For more info, click

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Vaseline Rosy Lips

Attention local retailers and Multiply sellers! You might want to add this product from Vaseline to the beauty items you sell. It's a tinted lip salve and it doubles as a cheek highlighter too! And it's way cheaper than other brands that serve the same purpose. Nice!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Have you got time to spare?

Well, for clicking ads and all that jazz...

I have heard good feedback from these PTC (paid-to-click) sites and tried it out. It'll be a good option if you are like me who has the shortest fuse and can't wait for a page to load. Go on and click ads while waiting for your fave site to load, while surfing through your fave online shops, reading, whatevs! Internationally,, and daily clicks are the ones I have signed up to. And there's My search funds where you use it as a search engine and earn in Pounds! Locally, there's Pinoy Bux. Point is, you'll earn something if you're really patient. This is the right avenue for me to test mine. I should put up with this to prove my S.I. (significant other) that I have the virtue of patience
I have yet enough amount to cash out but isn't earning money by simply clicking motivation enough? Haha!

Click here:

Goodluck to us!!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Vote for Multiply and more!

Let's go on and vote for Multiply as the Best Blogging host! Click here to go further:

Lea Salonga for Best Celebrity Blogger:

Jnamakulit for Best Blog Design:

Best Gossip Blog:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Buubblewrap's Bag Organizers

Now my mum is more organized!

I just love that my mum's stuff inside her bag is no longer a pile of many many things! Now it's easier to dig around her bag. Thanks to Bubblewrap's bag organizers =) Next purchases will be for my friends =)

>>Click here for a wide variety of designs: <<

Really Sad

I do not understand why there are people who are heartless! How could someone use a 6- year old child for pornography???? My heart literally broke when I saw the clip on TV Patrol about the expose. It will be aired on Saturday through XXX (eXclusibong eXplosibong eXpose.

I hope people with big hearts and much to share will help out the little girl.

Body Image Distortion

In college, I have written a paper on the effects of media (print, tv, etc.) to girls' perception on their body image. An astounding percentage has responded negatively after just 10 minutes of exposure to images and videos of "perfectly- shaped" girls. Before their exposure to various media, they saw themselves as healthy, in the normal range, and beautiful. After exposure they suddenly became overweight, fat, ugly, and things that were not what they thought before hand. The results were disturbing that they had to undergo debriefing a few hours after. I knew then that I had to do something to help promote healthy body images, most especially with adolescents. I made sure to start with my family. Then helped friends, and acquaintances be confident in their body type. So far, I made a head start. But I lost track after a period of time.

Then I had my fair share of weight gain. I resorted to popping a wide range of pills. Name any type of weight- loss pill, I have probably tried it out. I'd take them for a month, loose weight, then take them again when I gained a few pounds. It's not healthy I know, but the thought of loosing weight instantaneously was just too good to resist. I knew of the side- effects like it may damage your kidney, cause insomnia, dull and sallow skin, etc. but I never took any of it seriously. Then I read a blog here in Multiply about a case where her aunt got really sick because of taking slimming pills. I knew then that I had to stop. I was terrified! I never thought it was possible, but it really does a lot of damage to your body. I immediately threw out my stash and never looked back. Now, I'm eating healthy and exercising to address my "sexy" issues. Hehe!

Here's the link to the post: DON'T DO DIET PILLS!!!

Fashion Galore's Anniversary Treat!!!

This is one fun promo! Will join soon I go loco over anything red, so this really appeals to me. Haha! Visit Jam's site for details

JAM'S site (

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nadia's take on Friendship

Friendship has always been overrated. Yes, it is true that we sometimes take the word friend for granted. And some may cross their boundaries, not knowing that they may not be considered as such. It's even more difficult to proclaim someone a friend if you don't even know them that well.

I'm blessed to have friends whom I now consider sisters. They're family! They will always be a part of my life. NO MATTER WHAT.

I am re-posting Nadia's post on friendship. Here it is:


The word "friend" is one that is slung around often in this world, but very few people seem to know what it actually means. "Friend" is not a word to play fast and loose with, nor is it a term to be hastily applied to a person you happen to be acquainted with. "Friend" is a word to be used carefully, because "friends" are to be chosen very carefully.

Whenever I tell someone that I have only a handful of friends, they're not entirely sure how to respond. It is not my wish to offend or to hurt anyone, there are a good many upstanding people...people whom I admire...who have called themselves "friends." Most of these are people who I enjoy spending time with and conversing with, but they are not friends. These people must learn to distinguish between "friendliness" and "friendship."

For I have taken the advice of the sage which clearly makes sense, "Be courteous to all, but intimate with few". And let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence. True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation.

A true friend is more than just an interesting person to speak with for an hour or two so as to pass the time. Rather, a friend is someone to depend on, someone to lean on, and someone who is (almost) necessary for life. Real friendship is lasting. I know people who have spoken of their "school friends" who they forgot about when they graduated and began college or a career. These people were not real friends. Friends love at all times. Friends argue, friends offer correction, friends are even sometimes (wrongly) angry at each other...and these things are all natural and to be expected in a real friendship.

True friends are open with each other, and overlook one another's faults. True friendship can afford true knowledge. It does not depend on darkness and ignorance. A friend knows all about you, and still likes you. The more we love our friends, the less we flatter them; it is by excusing nothing that pure love shows itself.

I said friends are open with one another. The inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them all out, just as they are, chaff and grain together, knowing that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.

It has been over 12 years since I met my circle of friends, and I am not only content with that, but happy for it. Old friends are the best. I miss them so much and I want to make them a part of my life every chance I get. I am fortunate to have them around eagerly interested in my new found life. I know I won’t dread the day going back home and still finding friends with open arms.

-> Nadia's post <-

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Things to do in Davao???

The family will be in Davao on the Philippines' Independence Day for my cousin's wedding. Any ideas/ suggestions on interesting and must- visit places there?


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mass PM= Annoying!!!

Don't you just feel the blood rise to your head when you see personal messages in your inbox that come from online shops who post announcements on new items or updates on what they peddle??? Countless blogs have been posted regarding this matter but to no avail. People, what is difficult to understand with the 'personal message' term??? Please practice netiquette. Come on, it's not really that difficult.

Anyway to get rid of those mass PMs permanently in your inbox, click the
X icon on the lower right side of the post. Something like this will appear:

Click on the OK button to get rid of the PM forevah!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

HELP:Affordable Furniture Shops

Hi everyone! Would you know of shops where we can buy affordable but nice furniture? Let me know if you have any ideas! Thanks!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Not functioning???

I was supposed to put up an album for all the online shops and purchases I made since 2005 but the creative side of my brain was not really excited about it. So I stopped, right smack in the middle of putting together all the pictures I took. Promise, I'll get it done very soon.

What? 2005??? I can't believe I started buying online since July 2005! But it was a good thing because I met a couple of really good sellers who are now my friends. Online shopping is really addictive and I've been hooked since then!! That's why I've been very careful not to go overboard with the shopping. The only amount I spend whenever I do shop online is the actual cash that I have in my wallet. If it's not enough, then it means I can't very well afford it (no matter how cheap it is). That has always been my rule of thumb. So if it I really like something but don't have enough cash-on-hand, I ask the seller if she could keep the item reserved for me until a certain date. And if the item is quite expensive, I give a down payment for the sellers' security.

I've been scammed once but that didn't stop me from all the shopping! I still shop online and spend hours upon hours browsing different stores, looking up on bogus sellers & buyers (chismis time! ), sending out inquiries, and a whole lot more!

to fellow Multiply shoppers!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Food Shortage; A Worldwide Issue

I watched The Correspondents and The Reporter's Notebook with my sister last night. It was heart-breaking to know how many of our fellow Filipinos suffer from the worldwide issue on food shortage! To think that we were the ones who taught the Thai & Vietnamese on agriculture. It is a fact they came to the Philippines in the 80s to learn about rice planting, and look at them now. They have progressed and we now import rice from them!!! Really really a sad situation. Imagine children eating only rice porridge with salt, or sweet potatoes! It's not as if food is the only problem. Population is directly related to this crisis. And the government in itself. How could they manage to steal from the taxpayers? Some people are never really content with what they have. And this makes it even more difficult for us to progress. My sister even said at one point, "Eklavoo naman kasi ang government naitn." Neat, huh?

My sister was quiet while the show was going on. She asked me if this is really happening. I answered, 'Yes.' I understand her asking me because she has never witnessed a scene as haunting as what she saw on the television.

Later on into the show, scenes of leftover food being thrown away really disturbed her... You see, my sister & I have this terrible habit of leaving a little bit of food on our plates whenever we eat. My parents would always scold me for not cleaning up my plate, and I would just ignore them. I started to eat every morsel on my plate when I witnessed a little boy who picked up a bag of chips from the trash can and ate it. I was shocked that someone would do things to great length to sustain themselves. That was in 2000, and I tried really hard not to waste any more food on my plate since then. We had our lunch a while ago and I noticed that for the first time, my sister did not leave anything on her plate. I just smiled and hugged her. She knew that she had done her part. And I'm proud of her.

It's not that difficult to make a difference. Start with your own homes they say. Continue to practice it so that when you go out, people who see you might find it in their hearts to do the same. Never give up. Just do your part no matter how miniscule it may be...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bead Summer Workshops by EM Mariano

Here are Em's list of workshops for the month of May:

May Schedule

1. Comprehensive Accessory Design & Small Business Operation Seminar for Beginners (1 day only)

Dates: April 25
May 1 (definite)
May 10 (tentative)
May 19 (tentative)
May 24 (tentative)

2. Watch Strap and Bangle Design Workshop (1 day)
April 29 (definite)
May 16 (tentative)
May 30 (tentative)

3. Advanced Bead Accessory Design: Wiring Techniques (1day)
May 17 (tentative)

4. Basic Accessory Design for KIDS (9-15 yrs old only)
May 8 (tentative)

5. Designer Flip Flop Workshop ( 1 day)
May 26 ( tentative)

Visit for more details

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bubblewrap's Soda Pop Bag Organizer

Have you ever experienced fishing around & looking like you're excavating something inside your bag? More so if it's a very big bag that it instantly swallows up some of your most important stuff! Well, I literally loose anything that's inside my bag! That's why I've been one of the biggest fans of bag organizers when it first came out. I could never carry a bag without one in it.

I started with the black wrap/roll- like thing then evolved to this carry- all organizer. It's really cool! You can just literally arrange all your things inside the organizer (rejoice fellow O.C.'s!) and transfer it within seconds if you want to change bags! Nice!

I have found the perfect place/ online shop ( that carries pretty designs. I recently bought the smallest size to try it out. And it perfectly fits in my Speedy 25! Yahey! Now I'm definitely ordering more for me and my mom!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Let's all do something for our country. Patronize local products!

You'll find treasures at this store. They have great shower creams, body mists, body scrubs, lotions and a whole bunch of products for all your beauty needs. Most of the products I've tested are even at par with imported ones! And they're reasonably priced too. So there's absolutely no reason for ladies out there not to be pretty and well- groomed!

Lamoiyan Corp. is also well- worth mentioning. Their oral care products are superb! The Gumtect line could well compete with foreign brands. I've stopped using the imported one since Gumtect was launched.

Now aren't you proud to be Pinoy?

click on the images for links to the official website

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Please help me out. I'm interested with lomography. Enlighten moe on which camera is good for a beginner like me, good sites to read up on lomograpghy, etc. I need all the details I can get my hands on before I finally give in.


Given due credit

I have been very vocal about my S.O.'s achievements and he knows that. But I never quite give him due credit for all his hard work. Most of the time, I just tell my family and friends of his new projects. Teehee! Now, I'm bragging to practically everyone. Haha!

He has had a lot of accomplishments in the company he's connected with right now and boy, am I proud of what he has achieved! Goodluck to your next projects! iloveyou honee! I'm your number one fan!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Busy, but not complaining

Since we opened up our newest business venture this January, I have been my busiest. I'm not complaining though. I am indeed thankful for the many blessings that God has provided for my family and loved ones. My personal relationships are going well. I'm thankful! I'd be too selfish to ask for more. But I do want a peaceful country.Could that be given too?

Claim your blessing. Say it out loud and say a prayer of thanks immediately. Remember The Secret? Well, it really works! It takes time and patience to learn it but everything you ever want will be given to you

I will be much much more preoccupied when I open up my own business in 3 weeks' time. t will be successful. Thank God for that.

I may be living a simpler life but hey, it's better that way. I'll be able to put more time in figuring out how to give back to those who need more.
Life will be better for all of us. Cheers to the good life

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Children Making a Difference

Kids are indeed great blessings! They teach us things we never imagine they could. And they can do even more than us adults. Hmmmn, now that's a challenge. Now how come we grown- ups don't get to see the brighter side of life? Why do we rant about not having this, & having that? That, only you yourself can answer.

Make a decision to do SOMETHING for others instead of yourself! There are tons of ways to help. Just look around. You'll see people, animals & the environment who need you...

Be inspired by the kids (Coby & Michala) featured on The Ellen DeGeneres Show

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welcoming the Chinese New Year

I've been to our family's feng shui adviser this weekend. I was astonished to learn things. Hehe! OA!

Anyway, I found out that the quarrelsome star indeed made its impact on my life and my partner late last year. A lot of misunderstandings surfaced, we had a lot of arguments, and what- nots in our relationship. Hmmn, how could I not notice that the charm that was supposed to protect us was missing? Take note next time. But at the end of all the fights, we still remain a couple. Why? Well, supposedly because of the mandarin ducks that's strategically placed on the southwest part of my room. Yes! Thanks to my ducks!

This year we are protecting my health because those born in the year of the pig will face health problems. So take care fellow boars. My adviser also gave my family charms to protect us from negative energy and most especially in guarding our businesses.

2008 will be a great year I'm sure of that. I claim it today and I'm thankful for all the blessings that will abound my family and my personal life. Yahey!

For your feng shui advice and charms, go to Johnson Chua. He's super kind and accommodating. Just bear with the queue when you get to his shop. Don't forget to have your charms energized!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Great Beginnings

I believe in the power of prayer. 2007 was rough but we survived all of the trials that were hurled at us. I know this year will be better. And we will work harder on being better persons for each other. I'm thankful and feel that I have no more reasons to ask for more. I have been blessed with a loving family, more business opportunities, and friends who have taught me to deal with life's twists and turns. Thank you everyone!

God is good. He will make things right for us.

Cheers to more of the good things the world has to offer!